
Optimized-YOGA STUDIO DSC_0439

I have been going to Gina’s yoga classes for about 9 months & can say i truly enjoy the Monday morning session which suits my capabilities perfectly. This class is sensitively structured to meet a variety of different physical difficulties by the group. We start with a bit of a chat which is nice & friendly but then settle down to the session. The relaxation at the end of the class is probably my favorite bit because i can switch off. I have long term back problems so this class is the right balance between stretching yoga & relaxation for me. I know Gina has several other classes for the more agile folk of this world but for anyone who wants or needs to start gently, this is the place.

Mondays Gentle – Female – Oct 2017


Thanks Gina, really enjoyed yoga today feel stretched & relaxed.

Flowing Thur Class – Female – 56 – Sept 2017


Yoga gives me energy & relaxes me all at the same time. I am much calmer & centered as a person & love that I am able to tackle what the world throws at me with confidence. I really miss the class when i cant attend. Thank you Gina

Wed Eve Class – Female – 43 – Jan 2017

Sleep was an issue & brain working overtime. Initially i was nervous about joining the class as i had never done yoga before. Gina explained the poses & different breathing techniques. I have now become confident in the class & feel that my posture is better & my general well being has improved.

Wed Eve – Male – 45 – Feb 2017


I have never been one for exercise although i have tried numerous ways to keep fit over the year but never kept them up for long. I notices as i entered my 50’s my body was beginning to stiffen up & i was lacking energy. After starting weekly classes found immediate benefits. More energy more suppleness & a calmness of mind very quickly after starting. I like that yoga is non competitive, you work at your own pace & if you cant bend over backwards or balance on your little toes it doesn’t matter, you only go as far as you can comfortably go & its perfectly fine. It is great to have a local teacher with a choice of sessions on different days of the week, so if you miss a class you can catch up at another.

Friday Morning – Male – 65 – Nov 2016


I’m loving your classes, and so glad I’ve found you. It’s amazing how I feel like going to sleep before I come to the group and then feel so full of energy once it’s over. I should have done this years ago!

Wed Eve – Female – 40 – 2015


I have attended Gina’s Yoga Classes for well over a year and have found them to be core strengthening, stimulating, relaxing and fun, a combination of all things you need from a yoga class in a unique and friendly environment. “

Thursday flowing – Female – 47 –  2014


With a number of physical issues, from back and neck problems, to limited mobility due to a congenital hip dislocation, I approached Gina with some trepidation. Would I be able to do anything?

I need not have worried. Gina has adapted my session to my needs, either finding an alternative position if I can’t make the original one, or we move on to what I can do.

It’s all about the successes not the failures. Add to this her calm and positive outlook and I always leave feel calm, uplifted and most importantly relaxed. It may not last long, but that is down to me rushing off to the next thing on my ‘to do’ list.

I would recommend Gina unreservedly, no matter what your age or ailments.
Her class is an oasis in the hurly burly of life.

Gentle Thursday -Female – 66 –  2013