About me

My passion is yoga and love to teach. I get great satisfaction from working with clients and seeing their improvement week on week, year on year. With over 20 years of experience in teaching yoga to all kinds of peoples bodies & minds. From people with limited movement to the more athletic.  Fully qualified and insured in yoga movement, relaxation, breathing & meditation.

After my first class I realised that I had never relaxed before. A wonderful feeling of calm and contentment filled my body & by gradually bringing it into my everyday life I find I am a calmer person with a kinder approach to others.

I am continually learning, with yoga it is an ongoing journey which never ceases to amaze me…..

I have worked in partnership with 3 Rivers & Watford Dacorum on Yoga projects for Seniors, Teens & am a member of Herts sports Partnership.

Thanks to the many teachers that have inspired me…. with special thanks to the teachers at the Sivananda Centre & Laura, Finlay & Lou at the Yoga Hall St Albans.

Contact via E Mail : info@yoga-4-you.co.uk

Or Call : 07905 410431